Breakthroughs [Shrine attack Part 6]

Reaching the next floor, just like the scientist said the room was completely clear. Inside look similar to the above floors, but just one glance at the tables and it was clear they had been testing the slime the mutants are made of. 

There was also a section for electronics which seemed to be trying to use the mutants as fuel. It was an interesting concept and got Echo thinking. Jayde sat on the table as she didn't understand anything that was being done on the tables, so she watched the door just in case. 

Echo rummaged through papers trying to find anything useful for him to use. Most of it was just basic engineering knowledge, but he still took some as it might be handy just in case he forgets. Luckily he hadn't brought any of his tools so he had a lot of bag space and if he somehow ran out of space, Jayde had some room in her bag.

'Oh, here we go.' Echo found some papers about using mutant slime as fuel and skim-read the document.