A surprise visit

After Aoi and Tsubaki shared a tender moment with each other, Aoi decided to double-check that she packed everything. She wasn't sure if she could move on her own, but once she got up the pain wasn't as bad as she thought. 

'Now I can have some time to think.' Aoi was 90% confident that she packed everything, so this was just a way to get some alone time. She didn't expect to confess her feelings to Tsubaki today as she wanted to consult Reia and Akira first, but the excitement got the better of Aoi. 

'I'll quickly check If I left anything and hopefully, Reia is free to talk.' Aoi found herself desperate for advice as she has no idea what to do. She had jumped into the literally deepest part of the ocean without knowing how to swim. 

It was a scary thought and anxiety filled Aoi's body as worst-case scenarios ran through her head.