Surprise member

Walking back to the bunker, Lexi followed Akira and Reia, feeling extremely nervous about their plan. She was worried that Lou would easily sniff her out without even giving it a second thought.

"Alright, Lexi, remember your story." Akira saw the worried look on Lexi's face, which was understandable. Reia and Akira were also risking their trust in the squad, making this a huge gamble. It would have made more sense to just kill Klein right then and there, but with how dangerous the world has become, they needed strong people.

It also occurred to Akira after the fact that they had "killed" Klein that there was definitely more to the story. They can't forgive her completely, but if Klein is willing to contribute and atone for what she has done, there is no reason they shouldn't allow her to do that.

They also figured out at least a temporary solution to Klein's… cravings.