Under attack [Wakano Shrine part 8]

"We got bad news!" Echo screamed out from his room and I instantly assumed the worst. By this point, everyone had gathered downstairs, getting ready to head out. 

"What?!" We still needed to hear what the news was, so I mentally prepared myself. 

"All of Wakano's forces are closing in on us!" Echo rushed down the stairs, almost falling with his tablet in hand. 

"Were we followed? That doesn't seem right I made sure there weren't any stragglers tracking us." Aoi looked shocked, as she had done her due diligence when retreating. 

"Kim could have sold us out." Lexi proposed an idea, that I wasn't fond of and got a side eye out of me, but it wasn't out of the question. 

"I hate to agree, but Lexi might be right." Akira sided with Lexi and everyone else stayed silent, unable to argue except for Kadi. 

"NO! She wouldn't, T-there is no way she would do that." Kadi trembled, which only pained my heart and everyone else as they watched.