The Monstrous Wolf Fenrir

The Black Wolf spoke

"It is without a doubt somebody from the Red Werewolf family, are you a scoundrel as well, like your ancestor Bjorn Zephyr?"

The giant wolf eyed Ezra Zephyr, who flinched when he heard that.

"No... no, O esteemed God"

The prince replied in a feared way. Ezra who was still bowing wanted to raise his head to ask something but he couldn't gather enough courage.

The wolf looked at him and grinned in a strange manner as it said.

"I can read your mind. You're not off-base, I can indeed help you with taking care of your 8 gates problem. Nonetheless, for what reason would it be a good idea for me to help you?"

Ezra Zephyr was shocked. After some silence, he appeared to think about what to say before he offered his response.

"This lowly werewolf doesn't know how to answer that. However, since my Ref Werewolf family forefathers left behind a blue pyramid that led me to this place, The Wolf God ought to have some connection to my Red Wolf family ancestors, especially with my great grandfather Bjorn Zephyr."

The giant crimson eyed dark wolf didn't remark when he heard this.

At this point, Ezra Zephyr slowly raised from his bow. He gazed at the wolf and gradually proceeded.

"Given my present status, I don't have anything that might actually move your mighty existence. However, I can see that your omnipotent self has likely been waiting for me, right?"

The sitting wolf at long last stood, upon the rise of the monstrous wolf, Ezra could only widen his eyes to fill the complete image of the wolf. The wolf was as big as a mountain, a domineering existence, he looked down at the ant-like werewolf. It was difficult to discern whether he was enraged or satisfied as he gazed at Ezra Zephyr and said.

"Kid, your words are fairly striking. Do you believe that you have anything worth my waiting?"

In light of the black wolf's words, Ezra Zephyr simply smiled as he shook his head.

"I don't have a clue about the answer to this question, but your omnipotency might perhaps know?"

The wolf coloured in dark gazed at Ezra Zephyr with eyes that were loaded up with ferocity. Albeit the previous didn't emit a murderous aura, a pressing feeling had arisen, making the whole timberland deathly silent

In front of the black wolf, the prudent youth wore a slight grin as he gazed directly toward the wolf with no dread like a newborn calf.

Ezra now believed that the secret of his Red Werewolf family was not a shot in the dark. There definitely must be a reason as to why he was able to come here. Likewise, he trusted in his instinct.

The murderous feelings likened to a surging storm went on for quite a while until a helpless smile surfaced on the black wolf's terrifying face. He sat back and sighed

"Looks like I have grown old. Can't even scare a little boy."

Ezra Zephyr looked at him with a puzzled face, the wolf looked back, making eye contact.

"You are my only hope, Ezra Zephyr"

The prince of the Bloodfang empire was finally startled, his eyes widened as he thought about what he heard. 'A puny prince of a dying kingdom is the only hope of such an unfathomable being!' Ezra thought

"Your omnipotency, I don't know what you mean by that."

Ezra asked, rather respectful.

"Your ancestor Bjorn Zephyr was my 49th host, since Ragnarok I have become the martial spirit of 49 people. Now, I have reached my limit, the 50th time will be my last time. I will cease to exist after that."

The great wolf said in a desperate tone, helplessness dripped from his voice.

Ezra Zephyr silently looked at him, bewildered by the coming words. He murmured.


"Celestial War, that's what you call Ragnarok in your Zetra Realm. It's a gigantic war amongst every superior being, including Gods, Beasts, Demi-Gods, Demons, Monsters, Titans, Heroes and others. Resulting in the annihilation of them, they could only live in the form of martial spirits, like me."

The Wolf explained as he gazed at the little prince.

"What can I do for you, My God?"

Ezra Zephyr asked with sunny eyes.

"What can you do?"

The wolf inquired

"Whatever you ask me to, but... please save my mother and give me enough time to take my revenge"

The werewolf prince claimed, boldness was shown in his voice

The wolf's eyes twitched


He murmured

The wolf hmmed and stayed quiet for a long time, making Erza Zephyr anxious. He finally opened his gigantic mouth and spoke

"Explain yourself in 5 words, this is my last chance to exist. Your answer will decide whether or not you are worthy to be my host, take your time and think well little one."

Ezra Zephyr was left in deep thought with his face facing the ground, as the time passed. The wolf sensed a similar feeling, something he wished to be present in Ezra Zephyr.

The Prince finally thought what to say, he raised his head. No sight of fear could be seen on his face, his bloodshot eyes were akin to volcano eruption.

"Answer me, O' descendant of Bjorn Zephyr"

The wolf said

"Hatred, Wrath, Vengeance, Desperation and Sadness. These are the five words that explain my current self."

The now bold prince replied.