The Hundred Boxes

The King and Prince rushed toward the guard, Mirza grabbed Ezra by his wrist to match the speed. When arrived, they saw a hundred boxes.

Four of those boxes had numbers on them. 3, 4, 5 and 6, these boxes had cubic spirit pills. While the other boxes were filled with myriads of other pills, valuable for cultivation.

"What are these cubic pills, your majesty. They are giving off ominous energy." Pollard Whitefang said while looking at his liege.

"These are spirits and the number shows their grade," The King said as he came closer to those boxes.

After glancing at the cubic pills for a while, he turned his sight to the other pills. "These are not ordinary pills as well, they are extraordinary." He said to himself.

"Father, except these pills. Put the rest of the treasure back in the ring. I will tell you how God Fenrisulfr wanted us to distribute them" Every guard who heard that looked at Ezra, at this point, their brain was adjusted to the series of shocks.

The King did as told and used the spatial ring to suck all other treasures, he looked at the ring one more time and extended his hand to give it back to his son.

"What are you doing father? This ring and whatever inside of it is all yours." The king silently looked at his son and gave off a light chuckle before wearing the ring again.

The Werewolf King dishevelled the hair of his son and said "So how should I use them, Crown Prince Ezra." It was the first time King Mirza Zephyr mentioned his son in such a way.

In the game of royalty, this title was second only to King. Even though the title of Crown Prince always goes to the 1st male-born child but Mirza never called his son with that title in open, because of his continuous ill-health. From now onward, everyone has to obey Prince Ezra Zephyr as they obey the King.

The Prince responded with an innocent smile and said. "Those guards from the age of 15 to 25 come forward."

The Imperial Guards were standing in formation, and in a swift manner 9 people came out. The formation was not disturbed in the slightest, showing the fruits of hard training.

One of them was the son of Pollard Whitefang, the young vice commander named Roch Whitefang, commonly known by his nickname Rockey.

The second one was a slim and tall man. He was the 2nd vice commander, with the name of Jani Galearms. Galearms werewolves were famous for their speed.

The King only knew the name of these two out of 9, seemingly the other 7 were newly recruits.

"Introduce yourself" Pollard Whitefang ordered the 9 youths.

All 9 of the youths kneeled and spoke one by one

"My name is Roch Whitefang, son of Pollard Whitefang, 24 years old."

"I am Jani Galearms, son of Zarami Galearms, 24 years old."

"My name is Bilal Coldbone, Son of Arbaz Coldbone, 22 years old."

"My name is Maria Coldbone, Daughter of Arbaz Coldbone, 21 years old."

The King's eyes widened. "Children of Arbaz? O my beloved friend, don't worry and rest in peace, I will take care of your offspring like my own."

After that, another female spoke. "My name is Aqsa Malani, Daughter of Sumera Malani, 23 years old."

"I am Hubdar Sharpclaw, Son of Kamdar Sharpclaw, 22 Years old"

"I am Helsin Ironskin, Son of Holden Ironskin, 20 years old."

"I am Momin Dokrafi, Son of Memum Dokrafi, 20 years old."

Hearing their introductions, Mirza Zephyr's eyes became teary. All these people fought with him against Brownmane. Some died and some retired after receiving crippling injuries, now their children have taken their stead to serve.

The king looked at the last person, he was a weak-looking kid and the youngest.

After hesitating a little, he spoke. "I am Ivar Wrathside, Son of Fridleiv Wrathside, 15 years old"

"What! You are the son of Master Fridleiv" Commander Pollard was shocked and shouted.

"Yes... I am his last son" Ivar answered.

Pollard gave a death glare to his son. "Commander, I tried to inform you many times but you were very busy with other matters." Rockey gave his justification.

This time, Mirza's eyes couldn't control the salty water. "No doubt you are his son, I knew him since I was a kid, you are spitting image of him. Thank god, you are alive. The blood of Frigleiv 'The Fearless' Wrathside."

"The fearless?" Ivar repeated the new monicker of his father in question.

"Yes, enemies knew him by this name. Your father was the most outstanding werewolf warrior. He and your whole tribe killed most of the enemies in the war before sleeping in the embrace of martyrdom." The King replied.

"Really? Was my father that amazing? Then why didn't he come back alive, my mother never told me about my father, she said I'll know everything if I join the Imperial Guards. That's why I came here." Ivar asked, his tone was wavering

"Is that so? Then let's meet your mother after this. I'll tell you everything about your father." The King said as he hugged Ivar.

Ezra who was standing a little far asked Pollard Whitefang. "Uncle Pol, who was Frigleiv Wrathside. And how come I never heard of Wrathside tribe?"

"My Prince, Frigleive and his whole tribe launched an attack while we were fleeing from Brownmane Empire. He and his whole tribe died there, including his 6 sons and 4 daughters.

It seems that his wife came with us together with his last son and stayed low profile all this time, Fridleiv launched the attack without informing us or King, because he knew we would've stopped him. I have never seen any werewolf as brave as him, except our very King." Said Pollard.

Ezra Zephyr stepped towards Ivar Wrathside, seeing that the latter flinched and gave a courtesy salute.

"Ivar, My name is Ezra Zephyr. Looks like we are of same age, will you become my friend?" The prince said as he extended his hand.