Twist, Rive and Grind

Ezra Zephyr calmly peered at the wild undulate lightning, worshipping his body.

Ezra felt a huge surge of power, overflowing. He opened all of his 8 gates and reached the door of Qi Brightening Stage.

"This... you are no less of a monster than me, boy," Fenrir exclaimed. "How did you build such force?"

The prince's mind was absent, he has yet to believe that he now possesses the qualification to walk on the path of strength. "Is this a dream?" he pondered. Even after witnessing what is known to be unbelievable, his emotions couldn't stop rising.

A weak boy who always suffered torment, a mother who always cried looking at her womb born and a father who kept cursing himself for his powerlessness. All of these problems were solved by a single entity, Fenrir.

Ezra's eyes started to fill with salty water, it's been years since he last cried. "We don't have time for this drama, hurry up and answer me moronic lad" The monstrous wolf who became the martial spirit of Ezra interrupted the emotional climax of the hero. A martial spirit can understand and feel the emotions of its host, not to mention a spirit like Fenrir.

The prince wide opened his eyes and slowly shut his eyelids down, absorbing the incoming tears in his eyelashes. "I figured it out after remembering father's spirit."

The wolf understood right away. But, to be bolder in his presumption he said. "Explain"

The well-built Ezra sighed. "How did I get such an idiotic spirit after suffering such means."

"Answer the danm question, smart ass boy" the wolf of Norse retorted.

The prince guffawed "It was a joke, don't it too hard... Well, I knew the first spirit of my father. A burning wolf, having fire qi, then I asked my father about the spirit in the cubic pill before coming here. He told me the details and it was a 6-winged Griffin.

The new spirit father achieved was a burning wolf with 6 wings, the two spirits merged and gave birth to a new entity. If the spirits can be merged then why not 3 attributes? That's the question that came to my mind after pondering for a long." Ezra explained.

Fenrir was quiet for a quite while, deep inside he was praising Ezra. This is exactly what he calculated when Ezra said 'Father's spirit'.

"I guessed it correctly" Fenrir uttered.

"I guessed it correctly my ass, you clueless dog" the werewolf prince spoofed and laughed.

After some sarcastic jokes, Ezra reeled his head. The two cubs were barring their fangs at him. While Mosü and Hobgoblin knelt in respect.

"What happened to these cubs?" Ezra asked Fenrir.

"They are in the belief that I am dead, but they are still confused because your black lightning has my darkness in it. Use your force once again and call me out."

"How can I call you out? It's my first"

"Focus on me inside your body, raise the black lightning. It's all about your will"

The prince did as he was told, barbaric black lightning flickered and 1 black orb appeared behind him, the same lightning gyrated around it. The humongous wolf appeared once again, the cubs looked at their father. Fenrir looked at them with gentle eyes, the cubs howled dimly and ran towards Ezra. No doubt that they understood the meaning behind Fenrir's loving glance.

The cubs started jumping and licked Ezra's feet and legs just because they couldn't reach his torso.

"Boy, they are born from my bloodline, after my real children died, I made these two clones from their parts, treat them like your brothers. They possess the highest quality of bloodline. This pretty form of cubs is not their original form, when they'll awake their true forms, their nature and powers will come with it.

The cerulean one is Hati, the one who hates. In his previous life, he chased the moon in Ragnarok. He possesses extreme frost force.

The crimson cub is Sköll, the one who mocks and chased the sun. Sköll has pulverizing fire as his force, don't even compare your father's with it.

They will be like your strong arms, protecting and guiding you in every path of life, except when you bang some cheeks."

Ezra bent down and rubbed their ears and neck. The cubs accept him as his own.

The Prince stood up, he wanted to confirm something. He stepped towards a tree, he pointed his finger and touched the big thick tree.

Black lightning flickered from his finger and made his way towards the tree like a hungry reptile, Ezra squinted his eyes. "It didn't show any fancy effect, *sigh* I already got more than I dreamt of, one shouldn't be greedy." He said to himself as he pivoted backwards.

"Wait, boy. Look carefully" Fenrir alerted the prince

Ezra looked at the tree again, black lightning was still there, puzzling him. The tree started to crack, the thin branches began to twine and tear, and the leaves fell dead.

The prince's eyes widened, same with Jotünn and Hobgoblin. While the two cubs didn't pay any heed.

Fenrir intervene in their surprise and spoke "I was not amazed by how you managed to merge three different attributes, it was the force you made that astounded me. Your force may have the shape of lightning but unlike other bolts of lightning which cause muscle pain, hearing loss, seizures and burns.

Yours is an exception, you have developed lightning that twists, rives and grinds the object. You are weak now, only at the 1st level of Qi Brightening stage. So, the effect of your force is frail and the tree was massive.

However, if you use it on any martial master of the same level as yours. He will face cruel black bolts, possessing the power to tear his cardiovascular system into pieces."

Ezra was bewildered, he looked at his hands full of rough calluses. He clenched his fist hard.

Fenrir explained further "As an example, the green colour is secondary. It is made by mixing two binary colours, yellow and blue. Darkness, Soul and Lightning, consider them primary attributes. They merged and made a secondary attribute, Chaos! That's the name I like to give your force."

Ezra sat down, both hands on the ground and gazed at the sunlight, piercing its way through the leaves. He smiled and asked. "Fenrir... did I exceed your expectations?"

Fenrir chuckled. "Yes boy, you did."


1. Hello dear readers, I want to apologise to everyone. I was busy in a sacred month of our community and because I did not have any stocked chapters, I couldn't upload any. From now on, it will be a daily update.

2. At that time I had paid an artist to draw a picture of two cubs, Sköll and Hati. I have uploaded that picture in my discord. Remember that Sköll and Hati existed in Norse mythology and they were biological sons of Fenrir.

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