Time to Go Back

The black bolts were dancing around the prince of Bloodfang Kingdom, he opened his eyes and 6 orbs rotated behind his back as he revealed his martial spirit, the Monstrous Wolf of Norse Fenrir.

"I can feel it, my force. It's way more powerful than it was before." He uttered.

"There are two things you must remember, one is quality and the other is quantity. The quality of chaos force will increase as I devour more martial spirits, while the quantity of your force will depend on the main source of it, which is soul." Fenrir explained.

"I understand" Ezra said as he stood and went towards the same tree he used his force on before.

Ezra touched the tree and bolts twirled on his hand, snaking towards the tree instantly.


The tree started to twist, and within a minute the humongous tree became like an entangled rope.

"Your power is otherwordly, Master" a familiar voice came, Ezra turned and looked. It was none other than the Hobgoblin, Didara.

"Did you succeed?" He asked.

"Yes master, take a look please." Didara revealed his spirit, a demon with no skin, and no face. It was made of pure muscles. Emitting a raw qi power.

"Very good, you didn't disappoint me. Shall we go out now?"

"Wait, Master!" Mosu spoke.

Ezra glared at him, after that incident in the cave. He understood that a Jottün can only be tamed by a power even if he is under a slave curse. "What is it?" He questioned.

"Previous master left some types of equipment for you, I was ordered to inform you once you complete your training here master"

"Ah, I remember. Bring them here."

Mosu bowed and in a flash, he brought a big rectangular box, Ezra opened it.

There was a suit of leather, a black coloured suit. There were 2 silver arm bracers and 2 leg bracers, and cuirass. They were not ordinary at all, there were multiple runes inscribed on them.

"Wannabe god, you still want me to wear those heavy bracers?" Ezra frowned

"Shut up and wear them" Fenrir retorted.

Ezra sighed and looked at other items, he saw a long coat. With wolf-shaped shoulder plates, all of these were of the highest quality of style that can shame nobles' dressing of lower realm.

Ezra moved his eyes and saw a short sword, slightly radiating in sky blue colour. A torturously sharp blade that is well accustomed to slicing through flesh, bones and whatnot. The handle was made of a strange wood, one that Ezra had never seen, not even in books.

Beside it was a hook, a purple-tinted one. The point was accurate and sharp, the sides had small scary needles. Assuring that the prey never escapes once hooked.

Ezra picked them up, they were perfect in everything. Something shined, Ezra squinted his eyes and found that there was a thin chain connecting them, as thin as spider's silk. "Haha just like my training weapons"

"No, they are of the highest quality. The handle of the hook and sword is made from Yggfrasil's branch, a sacred tree of Norse.

The blade and hook are made from mystic Uru metal, the blade was later dipped in Kvasir's blood for sharpness and the hook was mixed in Eitr substance to absorb venom. Both items were made by a dwarf Brokkr, the one who works with metal fragments.

The short sword is called Efsa which means 'cut' in nordic language, while the hook is named Drepa, means 'hold'."

Ezra raised his eyebrows and said after a while. "Wow, I just... don't know a single one of the fuckers you mentioned. Anyways, thanks to them I get these items. What about the chain, what's it called?"

"Hahh, the chain..." Fenrir sighed as he remembered those days when he was betrayed. "This chain is called Gleipnit, it is impossible to break this chain because it was made from 6 impossible things"

"Impossible things?" Ezra was puzzled.

"Yes. The stomping of cat, The beards of women, The roots of Mountains, The spit of Birds, The breath of Fish and The Sinew of a bear. This chain was made by the sons of Ivaldi, it was made to hold me till the end of the world, Ragnarok. I broke the bonds and killed Odin, this is the item your great grandfather Bjorn Zephyr risked his life for before descending into the lower realm. We manage to steal it."

After a series of silence, Ezra spoke "Pond."

"What?" Fenrir couldn't understand.

"Is there a pond nearby, I have to take bath before going out?"

"You insolent..." Fenrir tried his best to control his anger. "Yes, there is."

Ezra went to get refreshed, he asked Hobgoblin to cut his long messy hair and wore the items as he returned.

By the end of it, he looked dignified man. A tall handsome face, jet black hair leaned backwards. A unique long coat in an era of cloaks, those wolf shoulders were no less than a marvel of a designer. His bracers and cuirass became invisible as he wore them, he placed his duo weapons on both sides of his waist.

"Skoll, Hati and Didara. You three will come out with me." He then looked at Jottün. "Mosu, I'll leave this cave under your care. The consequesnces of disappointing me will be torturous, you understand?"

"Yes master, this slave will rather die than disappoint master." The Jottün answered in utter submission.

Now that Ezra has become the owner of this hidden place, he no longer needed Fenrir to come and go. A little guidance from Fenrir was all he needed and...


A flash of light engulfed him when the light ended. He found himself in front of the Fenrir's statue, he was about to step forward when he saw an individual.

The eyes of prince could no longer handle the flood of tears.

"Mo... mother!" Ezra Zephyr broke out in tears before his word could escape his mouth.

(Note: Hello ladies and Gentlemen, all the stories and the ingredients I wrote about the items exist in Norse Mythology, you can check them on google.

Excluding the Efsa and Drepa, though they do not exist in mythology but the ingredients do exist and the names are also taken from the Old Nordic language.

Have a nice reading)