Mad Titan Bear

The army of Bloodfang was ready to move forward, the 293 alive hyenas were mounted by the strongest of Bloodfang.

"Shall we go?" Prince asked looking at others.

"Yes, your majesty" Ezra received a uniform answer.

The prince nodded and the fake bloody hyenas marched.


A growling roar was heard. Almost everyone flinched. "Hold on, what was that?" Rockey cried

"A beast?" Aqsa said.

"No... a martial animal." Ezra corrected, being in the timberland and surviving there for 5 years, Ezra's senses were delicate towards martial animals.

"We should ignore it and move as planned your majesty, martial animals are hard to deal with. We don't even know its tier." Jani suggested.

(Note: to make it simpler, I changed the classification of martial animals' strengths into tiers. The higher tier, the stronger, martial animal can grow its tier by feasting on other martial animals, cultivators and sorcerers.)