The Princess of Elfpatria

The sudden voice caused everyone to lift their heads and looked towards the young lady in a green dress leaning against the wall nearby with her hands across her chest. Several pairs of eyes brightened slightly the moment they saw her.

The girl in green was bare-footed, a string of silver bells around the ankles of her fine jade-white legs. A faint mist seemed to linger beneath her feet, making it seem as if she never touched the ground. Her facial features were extremely pretty, and overflowed with seductive charms, like an enticing little enchantress.

Salom Uqually's eyes turned a little graver as he gazed at the girl in black and said, "Farrie Holaleth."

The pupils of the geniuses around him also shrank slightly, clearly having heard of this name before.

"Is it that Farrie Holaleth of the Elfpatria Empire?" Ezra Zephyr's eyes also rippled slightly. It was rumoured that she too was one of the strongest amongst the younger generation of the Naran Continent.