Razor Pearl Eagle

The one hour time was completed and another announcement was made. "The peacetime is over, you are free to fight, show us something interesting and your future will be bright"

Ezra paid no heed and clicked an imprint button on the compass and spoke. "Time has completed, don't come to me if you are too far, find other Bloodfang martial masters nearer to you and form a group, survival is the priority. Don't hesitate to use your special tier armaments, show the whole continent the worth of Bloodfang Kingdom"

The voice was heard by every single martial master via the compass, the compass was designed for tracking and voice messages.

At that time Ezra felt a strange feeling inside his consciousness. "Come out," he said and a pentagon portal was formed, out of which the Mad God Bear came out.

Just at that very moment, something came flying from the forest, something heavy.