Mystic Subduing Web

Its body flew high and glorious in the sky, but its ruby like eyes was awe-inspiring. The pearl like feathers was solid and sharp. The Martial Animal of 2nd tier, Razor Pearl Eagle revealed itself.

Keen Force undulations pulsed from its body, shaking the surrounding space. An astonishing and ferocious aura filled the area.

The expressions of the crowd watching from far away could not help but change as some of them involuntarily stepped back. The aura of a Martial Animal at peak of 2nd tier was too unbearable for them.

Ixtal's expression had also turned a little graver. He did not back down, however, but instead made a grabbing motion and a long dim red axe appeared in his hand.

Small sharp pebbles seemed to float from the surroundings and attached to the axe, making it slightly bigger and sharper. With the axe in his hand, Ixtal's aura seemed to steadily rise.