Clash of Geniuses

Seeing the incoming attackers, Ezra quickly gave his instructions. Apex geniuses against apex geniuses, leave the remaining to Bloodfang Kingdom's martial masters.

"Our side is outnumbered," uttered Fair Sword.

On which Akkar loudly laughed. "I love being outnumbered!"

"Go!" Said the werewolf prince.

The 91 people rushed forwards, while Ezra remained where he was.

Although they were marching at terrifying speed, but for some reason, everyone felt as if the time has slowed down.

They could see each other's shiny weapons, the pressure in the air and their own heartbeat sounding like a ritual drum. No one knew who will die but everyone had one thought in their mind, it was the hope of survival.




A last battle cry before the collision.

"Reveal the armaments, now!" Hollered the prince, his voice resounded.


The martial masters of Bloodfang Kingdom swapped their weapons, Rolo who stayed behind like Ezra was baffled.