Abyssal Slash

The battle for higher rank unfolded in the coliseum.

Ezra Zephyr maliciously glanced at the opponent who was bleeding from his arm.

A voice came inside Rolo's head "Rolo, I feel a powerful existence inside that man. Be careful, he seemed very dangerous."

"I know Soliman, I just... made a terrible mistake." Answered the man in a loincloth.

"Quickly kill him before your body-"

"Shut up! I know danm it." He became furious at the words of Soliman, and the martial spirit of Rolo became silent.

"I have a question for you, or... if I rephrase the sentence, I am inquisitive." Said the prince of Bloodfang.

Rolo Aur stood up, the hole on his arm healed, and the dripping blood halted its flow outside. He looked at the former with questionable eyes.

Ezra continued. "No matter how I see you, you are not suitable as a close combat sorcerer. You use space magic, fighting in a distance is the best option you have."