Sealed Fate

The 16 selected individuals were in deep thought. No! Not all 16, but 14 to be very precise.

Carlo was the first one to make a move, the muscular man in loincloth slowly went towards the first ring, his speed was much slower than the speed he picked when he dashed towards Reema.

Carlo stood there in peace, he was calmly inspecting Ezra Zephyr. All the other people were looking at him as well.

Because, except him, no other had the slightest hope of survival. Even John Stark's facial expression confirmed that he will face ruination if he stepped in that ring.

While everyone was perturbed, Ezra Zephyr jumped on another ring.

"Huh!?" Farrie Holaleth was confounded, everyone believed that Ezra will face Carlo, but that man occupied another ring.

This was the exact moment when everyone's brain restarted its function.


One by one, everyone landed on large rings. Only two remained, Victor Brownmane and Baron. The best choice was without a doubt Ezra Zephyr.