Unkillable Puppet

The invader of the upper realm was at the very peak and so was his opponent, the one defending the honour of the lower realm.

Carlo who was winning a moment ago halted his march as he peered carefully at the two opponents.

A werewolf with tons of hidden cards that shocked his witts beyond belief and a bear, a tall bulky undead bear.

While the man in blue armour was occupied with his thoughts, Ezra moved fast like a passing gale.

He swung his sword down as he arrived before Carlo Aur, the latter dwarfed before him.

The host of Rajah Indaraptra raised his small round shield.


A metallic collision rebounded but the hand of Carlo and his shield were not budged at all, the pride and power were still there in his eyes as swung his urumi sword.

The blades wiggled before changed into whips and lashed at the red werewolf.