Demonic Mountain

The Spirit Devouring Mountain is one of the strongest sects in the Naran Continent, only there will you be able to truly spread your wings and grow to become a true powerhouse. That's why you need to grasp this chance"

The Bloodfang Kingdom was just too small for him, and staying there would instead limit his growth.

Even the most talented eagle would ultimately descend into mediocrity if trapped in a cage

"I know…" Ezra nodded, his hands slowly clenching as he peered into the distance.

"Father, mother… although I can't bear to leave you, as the saying goes, an eagle will one day have to leave its nest. But don't worry, when I return to the Bloodfang Kingdom

I will personally take back everything our Bloodfang Kingdom has lost! So… you must wait for my return!"

<2 Days Later>

High up in the sky.

The clouds were suddenly torn open as a giant shadow zoomed past. The shadow cleanly cut layer after layer of cloud into two, its speed as fast as a shooting star.