Gill Subzi

At the same time, numerous cheers could be heard outside the room.

Ezra Zephyr opened the windows and looked outside. The thick layers of clouds were being torn apart as an extremely distant land began to appear.

His heart trembled slightly when his gaze fell upon it. He could sense an extremely concentrated and boundless natural Spiritual Energy filling the sky above the land.

Its concentration level far surpassed that of any place Ezra had visited before. Except for one, his very own Kingdom which now has the Mother Tree. The Bloodfang Kingdom surpassed every sect in terms of Spiritual Energy's thickness and enormity.

But, the current place was lacking behind only to the Bloodfang Kingdom. In addition, the spiritual energy seemed to slip between various forms and shapes, giving off a spontaneously unique feeling, as if it was a blessing and right belonging only to them.