
In the Mystic Demon Library, Ezra looked at the costly spiritual techniques.

The majority of the disciples would seek out instructors in the Mystic Demon Library after choosing a spiritual technique. These instructors would point them in the right direction, allowing them to more easily master the technique.

"So expensive." Ezra could not help but sigh. Though the forty or so spiritual jade pieces might seem like a lot, they were really not enough. And he could not exchange them with any treasure, that would be against the rules and might cause him problems if the news gets out.

Ezra continued advancing with the jade strip, but stopped again after a few steps, his eyeballs nearly popping from their sockets as he stared at a jade strip that was now before him.

"Eight Lost Dragons, high tier Gamma layer skill.

Can create eight dragons made of pure spiritual energy, peerless and tyrannical."