Better Teacher

Moshi was enraged "There is no longer anyone who will guide you in your spiritual techniques, so just wait and see, your first class disciple status will likely be gone soon!"

Ezra Zephyr smirked and shook his head. "There's no need for you to worry."

"I'll see how long your stubbornness will last!" Moshi coldly snorted, before turning around and leaving with his group.

The numerous disciples in the vicinity looked towards Ezra in confusion before gradually scattering.

Ezra Zephyr paid no attention to them as he gave a slight nod to Ravin Ingale, before beginning to head down the mountain. The main thing now was to figure out how to obtain Spirit jade. Should he really have to take on missions sooner than he planned?

Ravina hesitated for a moment as she watched him leave, before suddenly catching up to him. "Ezra, you were too rash. How can you learn any spiritual techniques now that you've offended Roshi?