The Audience Gathers

For the next few days, the training sessions by the creek was not put on hold. Ezra Zephyr still continued to help everyone knit their yarns. The only difference was that he was spending the majority of his time immersed in his own training.

By the creek, the numeros disciples often looked towards Ezra Zephyr with complicated expressions.

They could sense that Ezra seemed to be trying his best to make every last second count. However, when this scene fell in their eyes, it undoubtedly made them feel that Ezra Zephyr was not confident.

Hence, they could only lament continuously inside. After all, the progress while training here was just too delightful.

The thought that they would lose it all in a few days only made them more depressed.

After another training session ended, the numerous disciples slowly dispersed, while Mahi Ingale walked to Ezra's side and said, "Hey, you've not been looking too good these past two days."