Winner of the Race

At the Green Mountain, gazes were stuck on Ezra Zephyr.

At a cursory glance, one would only be able to see a blurry silhouette.

A storm of noise immediately exploded.

"What? Ezra Zephyr's entire body has become gossamer?!"

"How can that be?! One needs to be at the second level to achieve that state!"

"Although it's quite impossible, the facts are staring right at us."

"My god"

Overwhelmed voices sounded one after another, everyone completely stupefied as they gazed upon the fully wind-like figure.

Natli had covered her mouth with her hands, shock colouring her entire face. Beside her, Mahi's eyes flickered with a resplendent light as emotions surged in her heart. Meanwhile, Ravina faintly smiled.

"His majesty is awesome." Uttered a dazed Gill Subzi.

Ash Bekham also swallowed time and time again.

"This guy…" Paul Channa's expression had turned rather serious.