Ash's Suggestion

Outside the cave, three youths were engaged in a hot chatter.

Ash continued. "In the face of this power, the disciples from the other continents are merely akin to a plate of scattered sand. Who would dare to object? After all, once the other party is provoked, they can easily join hands in the peak selection ceremony to make things difficult. Let alone the top ten, one might be hard-pressed to even obtain a decent ranking. Even if we fight, they have Drake Tubble."

"And you have me and Naran Continent disciples." The prince retorted

Ezra indifferently remarked, "In the end, it depends on whose fist is harder."

He looked towards Ash Bekham as he continued, "I do not know whether the others will acknowledge his allocation, but with regards to my ranking, I'm afraid that they don't have the qualifications.

Moreover… I'm not interested in the other spots either, the only thing I want in the peak selection ceremony is the first place."