Green Eagle Sword

On the purplish gold scale armour, lightning flickered.

It was the power of Dragon Pelt. The purplish gold scales were clean, there was not a single scale that was damaged. The sea of gale blades had failed to break through his layers of defences.

An uproar began to spread in the area. No one had expected Ezra to so easily withstand the attack that was powerful enough to seriously injure a 4th-level Core Formation stage.

On the spiritual energy tree, peak Master Antero nodded and said, "Not bad, that should be the Gossamer Steps technique. Reaching this level in a short three months really shows his talent."

The Divine Demon Peak's Master Franco's voice was akin to a clap of thunder. "Those purplish gold scales seem to be a type of formidable body strengthening technique. This kid is suited to walk the path of body tempering."