
On the floating spiritual tree, the peak masters were quiet and observant. They keenly looked at the ongoing battles on the platform to see which seedlings should be bloomed at their peak.


Naturally, the top platforms were given exceptional attention.


"The youngster is vicious but true." Mater Bisma commented.


The other masters nodded their heads, especially Master Tarar, he seemed fascinated by Zulfi Dimitry's swordsmanship. "In a life and death battle such chivalry is placed next to death, today that boy with the bright light long sword has learnt something big. But..."


He paused and a worry appeared on his face, he squinted his eyes and continued. "The way he learnt that could cause irreversible destruction to his mind, he is way too loyal to that arrogant prince of a remote kingdom. He'll either change into a murdering swordsman like that prince of his wanted him to be or he will be mentally crippled."


"Either way it's bad." Master Bisma spoke again.