High Hopes


Hearing all that ,Lo slowly said, "I can judge for myself whether or not he deserves it."


Sonk let out a mocking laugh as he shook his head and said, "There's no need for you to consider this matter any further, Elder Lo. The income of our peak is very limited, making it impossible to open many of the Diamond Quarters. Hence, there is only a limited number available. 


In accordance with our rules, our two factions will split the quarters based on performance, and since the previous 15 have already been allocated, I am determined to win the final one."


"All of your diamond belt disciples already have Diamond Quarters." Lo's expression sunk slightly.


Sonk sneered. "Since you feel that a new outer mountain disciple has the right to use a Diamond Quarters, do my disciples not have the same right?"


Lo's expression turned ugly, but he still managed to control his anger. "I can barter for the Diamond Quarters with other things."