Bone Demon Spear

Ezra grinned and he said, "What nonpareil quadrupeds like you are doing in my coat? Wanna go and deal with that duct beast?"

Wilson and Govrin's sharp gazes were immediately cast over, with the intent of finding out who exactly it was. Did so many capable individuals really appear in the Spirit Devouring Mountain with nearly no one noticing? What they are doing in a coat? Numerous questions haunted the two rankers.

Their gazes were aimed at Ezra, soon from the collar of his coat, two cute creatures popped their heads.

The moment they caught sight of them and felt the spiritual energy undulations from his body, the expressions on their faces could not help but turn rather rigid.

"These little cubs?" Wilson and Govrin exchanged a look, seeing the twitching corners of the other party's eyes.