Not 1 But 3

The waters churned violently as titanic translucent figures began to arrive from all over, swiftly enclosing around the area where Ezra was located. Their numbers were extremely astonishing.

The prince had been suppressing his spiritual energy in the reservoir ever since learning that it would attract duct beasts, to prevent drawing unnecessary attention. But now, he had no choice but to go all out in order to play his part as bait.

However, it would put him in a perilous situation. He was not worried with Sköll and Hati protecting him.

For the sake of the 1000 feet duct beast, he could only risk it on this gamble.

The reservoir waters rippled as countless duct beasts surged towards him, giant eyes filled with greed and desire as they locked onto Ezra Zephyr and two cubs.