The Meaning of Bewilderment

Aily's face had turned a little red. Who could have expected Ezra Zephyr to reach 7 paths of ablution in the blink of an eye, making her feel shame for her earlier gloating.

She was still somewhat unable to accept the facts. Everyone saw Ezra Zephyr who seemed to ponder for a brief moment before the bracelet on his wrist flashed.

A split second later, a half-foot large crystal had appeared above his head.


"No fucking way!"

The instant it appeared, the numerous disciples in the vicinity could no longer hold themselves back from gasping, "1000 feet duct beast?!"

This time, even the nonchalantly watching Wilson Sallow and Govrin trembled as disbelief flowed out in their eyes. "How can this be?!"

The entire place exploded into an earth-shaking uproar the moment the half-foot large Duct Creation Energy crystal appeared, the expressions on everyone's faces becoming truly an amazing sight to behold. Even Chosens like Wilson Sallow and Govrin were affected.