Shattering Fingers

A several hundred feet tall bolt of black lightning chaos force shot out from the top of his head. Bolt after bolt of lightning spiritual energy began to flicker, protecting Ezra's body. The spiritual energy pressure from Kimba was fully cut off at this moment.

Their gazes met, that very moment akin to the strike of lightning or an eruption of magma, as their eyes hardened into cold unfeeling blades. Kimba had a grave and chafed look while Ezra was grinning.

Spiritual energy thundered, rippling the surrounding air.

Kimba was the first to shoot forward, his figure akin to a bolt of lightning as his hands came together as if enclosing the sun or moon, vigorous spiritual energy frantically converging towards his palms.

A ball of volatile spiritual energy was created. With a jerk of his hands, the spiritual energy ball was sent flying towards the prince, the violent undulations from it creating faint ripples in the surrounding space.