Jolly Elder Lo

"I hope that I haven't kept you waiting too long?" Elder Lo smiled at the prince. After the quarter match, every disciple noticed that the typically stern and conservative Elder Lo had begun to smile more frequently.

Ezra responded with a smile and a shake of his head. He was appreciative and grateful towards Elder Lo. After all, it was always comforting to be so valued and trusted by another.

Even when the crowd had turned against him, Elder Lo had continued to stand up for him, an act that benefited Ezra a lot 

Elder Lo seated himself on a stone stool and fished out a diamond token from his sleeves.

"This is the token for that diamond quarter. From today onwards, that quarter shall belong to you." Said Elder Lo with a smile.

There was joy in his eyes as the prince received the token. After all, he knew that the diamond quarter was an extremely important martial prowess resource, and would be hugely beneficial to his training.