I Wish!

The one standing at the front was Umor. His hair was scattered behind him, and his complexion was deathly pale, making him cut an extremely sorry figure. But, he was unharmed.

Behind him, was a completely unscathed Denise Tubble. Her main task had been to control the Holy Water Pearl earlier and had thus not poured any spiritual energy into the glowing sword. As a result, she had not been caught up in the earlier clash.

However, even though she looked completely unhurt, her eyes were filled with terror. She trembled as she stared at her front, where the boulder Ezra sat on previously had already turned into dust, leaving him silently standing there.

Ezra's sleeves had been blasted apart at some unknown time. He wore an expression of cold indifference, while blood flowed from the corners of his eyes, making him look rather terrifying.

"You damn mutt, I could have killed them simply with my sword, why did you put me up with this shitty boundary," Ezra said in his mind.