Clash of Spiritual Energy

Every eye was stuck on the mirror, watching the battle of Ezra Zephyr and Ajin Pardo

"This guy!" Ajin gritted his teeth, the look in his eyes showing that he was a little unable to accept the reality before him.


However, while rage was boiling in his heart, Ezra's figure suddenly disappeared.

"Humph!" Ajin icily snorted as he sent a palm strike behind him. Although using the spiritual technique earlier had used up a substantial amount of spiritual energy, dealing with Ezra Zephyr was still not going to be a problem.


Palm winds swatted forth as a hand reached out from nowhere like an eagle claw to meet it, before grabbing Ajin's hand.

He let out an icy chuckle as he sent out a fierce thrust with his other hand, spiritual energy surging as sharpness pulsed from it.

The prince's other hand also moved forward, his fingers closing around Ajin's hand and locking it in place.