Killing Intent of Master

"Shut up!" A thundering roar by Jizr silenced the painful cries of Ajin.

"You naive boy, does poison turn you blind that you can not even see the presence of Peak Master. Whatever happened to you was a part of the tournament…" he clenched his fists and continued with bitter feeling. "Only you are responsible for it…"

"Father…" Ajin sobbed.

Amidst this moment, a voice came. "Respectful elders and Peak Master, I seek your forgiveness for interrupting you but… every passing second is pushing Senior Brother Ajin towards death." The Voice belonged to Ezra Zephyr, the perpetrator.

All the eyes turned to him as he continued. "Please, allow me to examine him as I am still novel at handling this poison."

Master Tarar nodded after a second and all the elders and alchemists made some distance.