Try Piercing That

Hoba didn't mind Ezra's words and shook his head in pity as he said, "I was originally hoping to spare you the humiliation. However, you insist on doing things the hard way, don't blame this senior brother for bullying a junior!"

A fierce look flashed across his eyes.


In the next instant, majestic spiritual energy rose from his head like a thousand foot tall column of smoke. Waves of powerful spiritual energy pressure quickly spread across the entire area, causing even space itself to tremble faintly.

Hoba Solis instantly revealed the amazing depths of his strong spiritual energy foundations. He was indeed a tier above Ajin Pardo.

The numerous observers around the arena let out low gasps of surprise.

Hoba slowly extended his hand. It appeared slightly longer than the norm, and was a little tanned. One could just barely see a lightning glow on his palm that gave off a powerful and menacing sensation.