What Just Happened?

My strings whipped down from the meteor high up in the sky, pressing down through the air and then wrapping around myself and the woman behind me.

"S-STOP! YOU INSANE BASTARD! I CAN'T BELIEVE I ACTUALLY LISTENED TO YOU! I'VE ALWAYS HATED YOU! I'VE ALWAYS DESPISED YOU!" The elf shouted, feeling her existence literally begin to cease from life and death itself.

Slowly, my head turned toward the woman, giving her a full smile while my lips cracked open, the black eye in the middle of my forehead cracking open until it bled golden tears.

"I don't give a shit!" I cackled before staring up at the meteor now inches away from my face, its blazing heat practically tearing my skin apart already.


My vision suddenly went dark as the feeling of every molecule in my body being ripped apart flooded every corner of my mind.

I attempted to scream with pain but couldn't as I had no mouth and I had nobody to even redirect such pain towards.