Prison Holding

"As you know, Cyrus has been arrested. It's unfortunate, but we can't do anything about it, but a woman came up to us. She said she was some kind of supervisor slash… ummm sponsor of the school and offered me a deal that I couldn't refuse."

"Don't tell me it was something stupid… please don't tell me it was something stupid. I'm begging you."

"I've already thought it over… and in exchange for all of us becoming this new role in the school called Daggers, then she will help ease Cyrus' sentence. She also told us at the court hearing in a few hours, a massive fight may break out between the Cladol family and the Crestsplitter family. And as I took the deal, she will help Cyrus survive as much as she can."

"Is she trustworthy? How can you tell if she's spitting bullshit?"

"I had no other choice… it was too good of an offer not to take, so just believe for once and pray for the best."

(Cyrus POV)