Harry's heart was getting saddened to see the state of Sheisha, could no longer say anything but hug Sheisha to calm down a bit.

Sheisha's tears were unstoppable, her wails couldn't melt the Doctor's heart and the two Doctor's assistants who forbade Sheisha to enter even though they only saw William's condition.

"Harry, help me... let me go Harry. I have to see William. Please let me go, Harry." Sheisha's wailing broke the heart of Harry who loved Sheisha so much.

"Doctor, let Sheisha see William. Maybe by seeing William, Sheisha's sadness lessens a bit." Harry said to the Doctor with a serious face and a pleading look.

"But sir, the patient is still in our care. Wait another fifteen minutes after that you can see it." said the doctor then went back into the operating room followed by two of his assistants who helped deal with William.

"Sheisha, you have to be strong. You can't cry like this. William must be sad to see you like this Sheisha." Harry said as he hugged Sheisha in his arms.

"William... William is dead Harry, how can you stop me from crying? I love him, Harry, I love him. Only William I have in this world." Sheisha said crying sadly in Harry's arms.

"Don't worry, you're not alone. I'm always there to take care of you. I will never leave you Sheisha." Harry said with his eyes closed. It cannot be denied that he loves the woman in his arms.

Years of being a close friend of Sheisha who was engaged to her best friend did not make Harry's heart forget his love.

His love remains eternal and is stored neatly in the deepest of his heart. No one knows not even Sheisha knows.

"William also told me that, he will love me and will never leave me. But now he left me too." Sheisha said still crying in her sadness.

"No Sheisha, no matter what happens I will never leave you," Harry said with a look full of sincerity.

Sheisha lifted her head, staring full into Harry's face.

"Harry, why are you being so nice to me? if you are always with me and take care of me? how is your personal life? Aren't you going to get married?" Sheisha asked with an incomprehensible look.

"Don't think about me Sheisha, don't think about it! the most important thing is that you have to be happy." Harry said genuinely loving Sheisha.


With the sound of the door opening, the Doctor came out and approached Sheisha.

"Two of my assistants will be guarding her. If you still want to see it, go ahead." said the doctor and then left the place.

Sheisha looked at Harry sadly.

"Come in Sheisha, I'll be waiting for you here," Harry said as he rubbed Sheisha's shoulder.

"Come on, Miss Sheisha, please come in." said one of the assistant doctors who was asked to look after William's body.

With heavy footsteps, Sheisha entered the operating room.

Inside the operating room, Sheisha's footsteps were getting heavier and heavier for her to move.

Sheisha wept softly, in her heart wept bitterly remembering all the memories with William.

Sheisha repeatedly wiped her tears, so as not to flow again. Her heart wanted to be strong when she saw William.

But the tears that flowed could not stop, the tears flowed by themselves, melting more and more heavily.

Sheisha's distance was getting closer to William's corpse, Sheisha's footsteps felt more and more wobbly unable to walk anymore, her heart could not bear to see the state of William who lay stiff with a body that had been covered with a white cloth.

"William," Sheisha called in a low voice.

With trembling and limp hands, Sheisha opened the white cloth that covered William's face and William's entire body.

Sheisha's tears fell even more when she saw William's pale face turning white. William's face looks very handsome and very clean. William's eyes and lips were tightly shut.

Sheisha couldn't bear to look at her anymore but slumped down in a chair beside William.

Sheisha's chest felt tight seeing the many hose cables still stuck at certain points in William's chest.

Sheisha wept bitterly seeing all that, especially when she saw the monitor screen near William which only showed long lines.

"William," Sheisha called, still crying bitterly, her heart was very sad and her chest felt tight with the reality she had seen.

With trembling hands, Sheisha grabbed William's hand which was limp and drooping, then grabbed it and placed it on one cheek which was wet with tears.

William's hand still felt warm when it touched Sheisha's cheek.

"William, have you left me? do you have the heart to leave me alone Will? Why do you make my heart sad Will? why Will?" Sheisha asked as she gently stroked the back of William's hand.

"We just got engaged and we're getting married soon, but why are you leaving me now Will? answer me, Will! why did you leave me in this state?" said Sheisha with tears running down the back of William's hand.

"I wish I hadn't gone for that photo shoot and accompanied you to that charity event. Maybe you are still with me, I will take the car because you are in an unwell condition. I'm so sorry Will, I'm so sorry. I should have known you would still go to the charity event even if you weren't feeling well. Why do you always put other people first Will? why are you so nice?" Sheisha said in between sobs. 

"William, wake up Will...don't leave me alone. I need Will, I love you so much," said Sheisha weeping in tears as she got up from her seat and approached William's tightly closed face.

She rubbed William's face repeatedly hoping William would wake up from his death.

"William wakes up, please...don't leave me in deep sorrow Will. I don't want to lose you Will. Williaaaammm, I love you Will...I love you." Sheisha said crying hysterically while cupping William's face.