"Nurse, please . . . take Mr. Harry and Miss Sheisha to Mr. William's bedroom." said the doctor to the nurse who was helping him.

"Come on sir, miss...I'll take you to Mr. William's room." The nurse said getting up from her place and escorting Harry to William's bedroom.

"Mr. Harry, Miss Sheisha, please come in. Inside Mr. William still hasn't woken up after getting an injection from the Doctor." said the Nurse before leaving Harry and Sheisha.

After the Nurse left, Harry took Sheisha's hand and looked at her with feeling.

"Sheisha, come in. You want to see William, right? He's already inside. I'll be waiting for you here." Said Harry very sad to see Sheisha sad.

"Harry, but why am I afraid to go inside?" said Sheisha feeling hesitant to go inside.

"What are you afraid of? You remember right? William came back to life because of you." said Harry calming Sheisha who suddenly hesitated to meet William.

"I...I want to meet William, but why? I feel something holding my heart." said Sheisha with an incomprehensible look.

"It's just your feelings Sheisha, hurry in and see William. William needs you right now," said Harry as he opened the door to William's room.

"But Harry, come in with me. I'm more at ease when you're with me, Harry. William is your best friend too isn't he?" asked Sheisha with a pleading look.

"I know William is my best friend, I'll see him too. Now you have to go inside and talk to William. said Harry with full eyes.

"Okay Harry, but promise me you stay here and won't leave," said Sheisha with a serious face.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be waiting for you here," said Harry while rubbing Sheisha's face with a sad look.

"Okay I believe you," said Sheisha then went inside when Harry had already opened the bedroom door for her.

"Smile, you will meet your love," said Harry with a smile then closed the bedroom door after Sheisha entered the room.

Without making a sound, Sheisha walked slowly toward William who was lying on the bed.

"William," called Sheisha after being beside the sleeping William.

"William... wake up," Sheisha said in a trembling voice holding back the longing for William who had not seen his for a week.

With trembling hands, Sheisha gently stroked William's face.

Slowly William's eyes opened to stare unblinkingly at Sheisha's face.

Getting another look from William, Sheisha felt that something had happened to William.

"William, are you awake dear? why are you looking at me like that? did something happen to you?" Sheisha asked while rubbing William's face.

For a while, William was still in his residence, apart from just staring at Sheisha's face which was so close to him.

And that made Sheisha even more worried about William's condition.

"William, what's wrong with you? tell me! what do you think? why are you looking at me like that?" Sheisha said while cupping William's face which looked so different from William's before.

William's once warm eyes and smile now looked very cold and stiff.

"Who are you? I don't know you?" William said coldly.


Sheisha felt something pierce her heart when she heard William's question a few hours ago she felt the fear of losing William.

"What do you mean William? I am your fiancé Sheisha. Don't you know me? see my dear?" Sheisha said while holding William's cold hand.

"Sheisha? your name is shesha? I don't remember who you are. So you're my fiancé?" William asked again with a frown.

"Right William, I'm Sheisha your fiancee?" Sheisha said with tears in her eyes not knowing what happened to William.

"Sheisha, if you were my fiancé you would know what would happen right? what happened to me to get me here? what happened to me? tell me everything. Why can't I remember everything?" William said while holding his head.

"Oh, Lord!! William! What happened to you? do you have amnesia? that you can't remember everything?" Sheisha asked guiltily.

"Why are you silent Sheisha! tell me everything!" William said gripping Sheisha's arm with a sharp look.

Sheisha's heart ached to see William's unexpected condition. William has amnesia. But why didn't the Doctor tell her anything?

"William, I will tell you everything. Now you better rest. I will see the doctor for a while because I think you have amnesia that forgets about your past." Sheisha said as she tried to let go of William's hand.

William slowly let go of his hand, then rubbed Sheisha's face.

"I'm sorry Sheisha, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm just scared, why can't I remember what happened to me? help me Sheisha." William said while holding Sheisha's hand.

"I'll help you Will, that's why you rest here. I'll talk to the doctor to check on you again. I will tell you everything. You calm down, okay?" Sheisha said trying to calm William.

"All right, I'll wait for you here. And come back quickly." William said with a complicated look.

After calming William down, Sheisha immediately left the room and found Harry who came in waiting for her.

"Harry... Harry, we have to find the Doctor who treats William. Something happened to William." Sheisha said frantically.

"Shee, calm down. What happened? why do you look panicked and scared?" Harry asked with a full look. Harry felt anxious seeing Sheisha who looked panicked and frightened.

"William, Harry! it looks like William has amnesia. He didn't know me at all and didn't know what had happened to him. But why didn't the Doctor tell us that William had amnesia? We have to see the Doctor now, we have to help William. I can't bear to see him like this." Sheisha said with tears in her eyes.

"Okay. Come on, let's go to the Doctor and ask about this." Harry said then grabbed Sheisha's hand and took her to the Doctor who was treating William.

Arriving at Doctor Ruth's room, Harry and Sheisha explain everything that happened to Doctor Ruth.