"What are you waiting for? quickly tell me everything that happened." William said impatiently wanting to know all about him.

Taking a deep breath, Harry touched Sheisha's shoulder.

"This woman is Sheisha an artist with talent as a singer. Sheisha has been your lover for two years, and a week ago you and Sheisha just got engaged. You two are planning to get married within this month." Harry said holding his breath before continuing his story.

"And you are the CEO of a very famous company in this city, the William Care Company," said Harry with a serious face telling him everything about William's life as well as about his relationship with Sheisha without missing the slightest bit.

"Hmm...and what's your relationship with Sheisha and me? why do you stick to Sheisha? do you intend to have an affair with my future wife?" asked William displeased with Harry and Sheisha's gaze as they looked at each other.

"I told you, Sheisha is my best friend. I introduced you to Sheisha and you two fell in love and got into a serious relationship," said Harry not at all offended by William's blasphemous accusation.

"Hmm... is that so! when you know Sheisha is mine why don't you leave Sheisha's life? why are you still here?" William asked with a full look.

"William what are you saying? I know you lost your memory. But that doesn't mean you can go easy on Harry. Harry is our best friend. Harry didn't go because I asked him to. Harry my manager William, I became like this because of Harry. You are also successful because Harry always helps you whenever you have a problem." said Sheisha could not stand William's words which must have hurt Harry's heart.

"Enough!!! you are my fiancé! why are you defending him!! so it's true what I said you two were cheating behind my back!' said William with a bright red face.

"William, calm down. Right now your state has not recovered, and your memory has not returned. I'll call Doctor Ruth to give you some calming medicine." Harry said he didn't want William to yell at Shesha.

"Shut up!! you Harry! do you think you can fool my eyes and mind? you love Sheisha, right? you did all this because of Sheisha right? or... I got this accident because of you? you who want to harm me!! right!!" William said with a look full of anger.

"Enough William, what you said to Harry was outrageous. Don't you have a heart and think when you say that!" said Sheisha while holding Harry's hand so Harry wouldn't feel hurt by Harry's words.

"Hmm... we'll see, I'll prove my point. Now arrange my return. I want to go home and soon we will be married." said William with a cold gaze and a voice so very flat as if he had no heart.

"Alright, I'll take care of your return," Sheisha said with a sudden pain in her heart.

"Sheisha you stay here, let me take care of William's return," Harry said with a look full of tenderness.

Sheisha looked at Harry's face with a million apologies.

"You calm down, I'm fine," Harry said with a smile, then left the room.

"What do you see? do you find it hard for him to leave here? do you not love me anymore and you turned away from me?" William asked as he grabbed Sheisha's hand roughly.

"William is sick! let go of your hand. You know I never turn my back on you. I love you so much." Sheisha said with pain in her wrist.

"I do not believe it! you can't you fool, I can see when you look at him! You'll see if I can prove that he caused my accident!" said William, releasing his grip roughly.


William had been in the apartment for a week after his return from the hospital.

It didn't take long for William to understand and understand everything that was going on in his life and to get to know all the people who seemed foreign to him.

William looked at himself in the mirror. A cold smile was evident on his red lips.

"I must quickly marry Sheisha. I just found out that the company I own belongs to Sheisha." William said to himself with a smirk on the corner of his lips.

"The first thing I have to do is kick Harry out of Sheisha's life so I can calmly carry out all my wishes without any threats from Harry," said William as he reached for his cell phone to call someone he could rely on.

William explained at length what his goals were to someone he had trusted to carry out his orders.

"Did you understand what I said, John? you have to do it fast. I want a perfect job and don't want to be messy." said William in a flat, expressionless voice.

"Knock... Knock... Knock" 

The bedroom door opened, and a sad face Sheisha was seen standing in the middle of the door.

"Why does your face look gloomy like that? You should be happy because soon we will get married." William said without telling Sheisha to come in.

"What are you calling me Will? I still have a lot of recordings that I haven't finished yet." Sheisha said with slightly puffy eyes from crying too much.

"Didn't I tell you we will have a pre-wedding photo now," William said approaching Sheisha who was still standing in her place.

Sheisha's eyes were closed as William approached her and touched her face without any tenderness.

For some reason, since William's return from the hospital, William's attitude has changed drastically. William's gentle and caring demeanor turned into an arrogant temper. It was not uncommon for William to be rude to Sheisha and that had made Sheisha afraid of him.

"William, can't the pre-wedding be postponed? today, besides still having to finish recording I'm also not feeling well. I took a few days off." said Sheisha with a pale face mixed with fear.

"You're so good at making excuses, honey! but sadly I'm too smart to know your lie! Now you can wait for me in front, we have to leave now." William said with a sharp look.

"Why don't you trust me, Will? if you don't believe me you can ask Harry who took me to the Doctor," said Sheisha while wiping her tears feeling very sick being accused of being a liar.