"What changes Sheisha? nothing has changed in me. Tell me, what is that something? what has changed in me since my accident?" William asked with great patience.

Sheisha was silent for a moment then took William's hand and rubbed the back of William's hand lovingly.

"Right now, I have recognized you again that you are my William. But a few days ago for a week, I didn't know you at all. You've changed so much, it's like you never knew me and loved me. You feel far away from me." Sheisha said while rubbing William's face worriedly.

"How are you feeling again, tell me everything Sheisha?" William asked with a serious face.

"Even your attitude towards Harry has changed so much. Even though you and Harry have been like brothers all this time. You seem to hate Harry so much. But you know how Harry is, don't you? he always understands you and never contradicts what you say." Sheisha said with a sad look.

"Did I do that to Harry? it can't be Sheisha? I won't do that." William said feeling a very deep burden.

"Right Will, you've done it. You even intended to put Harry in jail because you think Harry caused you an accident." Sheisha said not hiding anything from William.

William rubbed his face repeatedly after hearing all of Sheisha's stories.

"I can't believe it's Sheisha, I can't possibly hurt you and Harry. You believe right? if I really love Harry and you?" William said with a panicked and misty look.

"Calm down Will, I trust you. Don't worry too much about this. Harry and I will definitely take care of you and find out about this." Shisha said feeling something else in William.

"You're going to find out what Sheisha is?" William asked with a frown.

"I don't know Will, but I feel something else for you. You know Will for the two years we've been together, our hearts have been tied. I'm so close to yours." Sheisha said while cupping William's face who always believed in her.

"I know that, but what do you do with what you feel?" William asked taking Sheisha's hand and holding it tightly.

"Will...do you want to go to the hospital again to Doctor Ruth? maybe Doctor Ruth can find out about what happened to you?" Sheisha said with a serious face.

"Do you feel there is an abnormality in my brain Sheisha?" William asked with a sad look.

"I'm sorry Will, I didn't know. I still don't know what happened to you. Would you like our Will to see Doctor Ruth?" asked Sheisha with a pleading look.

"If you think it's the best, I want Sheisha." William said with full eyes.

"Thank God, then tomorrow morning we will go to the hospital again to see Doctor Ruth." Sheisha said while sending a message to Doctor Ruth to make an appointment.

"Have you made an appointment with Doctor Ruth?" William asked as he got up from his seat.

"I made an appointment but still no response from Doctor Ruth." said Sheisha as she told Harry to come immediately to talk to William who had returned to the old William.

"William, where are you going?" Sheisha asked when she saw William going into the kitchen.

"I want to make hot tea for you." William said with a smile.

"No need Will, I can make it myself." Sheisha said feeling William's attention again.

"No Sheisha you just rest. I'll be right back." William said then went to the kitchen.

Sheisha took a deep breath, relieved that William was back.


Sheisha lifted her head with her heart almost out of place.

"William!!!" Sheisha called running quickly towards the kitchen to see what was going on.

Sheisha's face was very surprised when she saw William standing straight while throwing a few glasses on the floor.

"William!! what happened?" Sheisha asked with a surprised face.

William raised his face to stare intently at Sheisha who was standing in front of the kitchen door.

"William, what's wrong with you?" Sheisha asked feeling something else in William's gaze.

"What did you say? I don't understand you Sheisha? You know we have to go to Jesica this morning? why are we still here?" William asked with an angry look on his face.

"But William, you yourself asked for it back. We had already left, then you just asked to come back. I don't understand what happened to you Will?" said Sheisha feeling William return to a grumpy and arrogant personality.

"So do you think something happened to me!! I should be the one asking you! why are you always good at making excuses so we don't get married!" William said as he threw the glass that was beside him.

"William, I want to marry you. You know it's Will." Sheisha said with tears in her eyes.

Her heart really said that William had a double personality. Which changes all the time irrevocably.

"I do not believe you! I never trust you again!! You do not love me anymore! hurry up and get out of here! otherwise I will do something you never want!" said William with a deep gaze walking towards Sheisha and gripping Sheisha's arm tightly.

In a fit of rage, William forced Sheisha into his room and threw her on the bed.

While glancing cynically William walked towards the door and locked the bedroom door.

"You know what I'm going to do to you? I will have you completely Sheisha! I'm not going to give Harry a chance to take what's mine." said William with an unblinking gaze as he neared Sheisha.

"What are you saying Will? what do you mean by saying that!!" Sheisha said with a frightened face, feeling right that William had lost his identity.

Sheisha quickly got up from her place to get out of the room, but William's strong hand gripped her tightly.

"Where are you going Sheisha! you can't get away from me!! you are my future wife, like it or not you have to serve me." William said pulling Sheisha's arm and pulling her in his arms.