"Look Harry, right now I need someone who's quite famous. And I heard you're a manager of an artist named Sheisha. Can I contract her for a product brand in my company?" Jenni said in a very seductive voice.

"May I know what is your company's product? because I have to filter products that are safe for Sheisha." said Harry not just accepting a contract for Sheisha.

Harry took very good care of the image of a Sheisha.

"Incidentally my company produces cosmetics for all the needs of women and men. With an advertisement for a beautiful artist like Sheisha, my cosmetic products will definitely advance," said Jenni enthusiastically.

"Then, what are your plans for the making of the ad?" Harry asked seriously.

"I want to make the ad in a rural area that is still clean and natural. I've already decided where to shoot the commercial. If Sheisha wants I will pay a high price." Jenni said calmly.

"Okay Jenni, if you want we can meet this afternoon at five at a Korean restaurant near the city stadium." Harry said planning to invite Sheisha to eat at the restaurant together.

"Alright Harry, I'll be there on time." Jenni said then ended the call.

"Harry?? who called you?" Sheisha asked already standing beside Harry.

Harry was a little surprised, let alone seeing Sheisha's appearance back to how it used to be. Very graceful and beautiful.

"You are very beautiful Sheisha." Harry said not denying his feelings that his love for Sheisha was getting bigger.

Sheisha's face turned red at Harry's compliment.

"Thank you Harry, this is all thanks to you for being patient with me all this time." Sheisha said with a smile.

Harry was again stunned to see Sheisha's smile which he had not seen for a month.

"I'm glad to see you like this Sheisha. Very beautiful with your charming smile. My Sheisha has come back like before." Harry said he was very happy to see Sheisha's condition had changed.

"Thanks Harry, and you haven't answered my question. Who called you earlier?" Sheisha asked with a full look.

"She admitted that my friend from high school, her name was Jenni. She owns a company that produces beauty products for women and men. Right now she needs someone to brand her company. Would you like to accept the offer?" Harry asked with a serious face.

Sheisha fell silent hearing Harry's explanation.

"Harry, maybe it's time for me to wake up from this sad dream. I have to go back to my activities so I can forget my sadness." Sheisha said with a serious face.

"I'm glad to hear that Sheisha, hopefully with you busy again you can forget the things that made you sad." Harry said with a smile relieved to see Sheisha excited again.

"Harry, are we going to the office now? before I accept your friend's offer, I want to check the other offers first." Sheisha said with full eyes.

" can choose the offer you like. Come on...let's go." Harry said as he stretched out his hand happily.

With a smile Sheisha took Harry's outstretched hand and walked out of the Apartment.

On the way to Sheisha's office, Harry didn't say much other than to stare at Sheisha's beautiful smiling face staring down the street.

Arriving at the office, Harry immediately got out of the car and opened the door for Sheisha.

"Thank you Harry." Sheisha said always touched by Harry's sweet attitude. But unfortunately Sheisha's feelings and love never turned to anything other than William.

In Harry's grasp, Sheisha entered her office. Nothing has changed from keeping her office space clean and tidy.

"Harry, where did you put all my contract offer files?" Sheisha asked after sitting down in her chair.

"Wait a minute." Harry said while turning on the air conditioner so Sheisha wouldn't feel hot.

After turning on the air conditioner, Harry opened the drawer of Sheisha's desk and pulled out some work contracts that had been lying around on the table for a month.

"Quite a lot too Har, I can't believe this." Sheisha said while looking at the work contract that she thought suited her heart.

"The work contract has been collected for one month. And I don't know what about the continuation of the contract, will it remain yours or already belong to someone else. Now you just choose which job offer contract you think you like, after that I will contact them." said Harry as he took a cold drink out of the fridge and placed it on Sheisha's table.

"Alright Harry, I'll study all the offers of this employment contract." Sheisha said seriously opening one by one her work contract and studying it carefully.

After spending a long time, Sheisha finally approached Harry who was sitting leisurely on the sofa chair.

"Harry, I don't think I chose all of these." Sheisha said while lowering her face.

"Then, is there no other choice Sheisha? if you all refuse how do you get to work?" Harry asked with an incomprehensible look.

"Neither Harry, I'll still be working on one contract. That is your friend's contract offer." Sheisha said with a serious look.

"So you accepted Jenni's offer of a contract?" Harry asked with a look of disbelief.

"But Sheisha, Jenni's company is just starting and growing. The product has not yet penetrated the market. You will work hard with this job." said Harry worriedly that Sheisha wouldn't be able to make the product sell well. Moreover, Sheisha's face will become Jenni's company brand.

"Don't worry Harry, I'm glad your friend has chosen me to be her product brand, it means she already believes in me. I will not disappoint your friend." said Sheisha with a smile.

"All right, if that's what you want. I'll call Jenny. Wait a minute." Harry said then immediately contacted Jenni.

"Hello... can I speak to Jenni." Harry said as he looked at Sheisha who was also looking at him.

"Hello... Harry?? finally you contacted me too. How's Harry? did Sheisha accept my offer of a contract?" Jenni asked in a loud and enthusiastic voice when Harry called her.