"Incidentally your wife doesn't know yet, I thought maybe you would surprise your wife. You can already see your wife. Her condition has improved, maybe the pregnancy hormones made her tired and weak." The doctor said explaining at length about Sheisha's pregnancy.

"Is there any medicine I need to buy Doctor?" Harry asked nervously like a husband to his pregnant wife for the first time.

"I have made a prescription and you can buy it at the hospital pharmacy. The recipe will be given by my assistant." said the Doctor with a friendly smile then left Harry rooted to his spot.

"Oh my God Sheisha, you are pregnant with William. The baby you are carrying is baby William. How should I tell William if I haven't found him yet. Then how about you? You have to get married as soon as possible for the good of your baby. But who should you marry?" asked Harry in bewilderment not knowing what he should do to find a way out of Sheisha's problem.

"Mr. Harry," called a nurse standing at the door staring at him.

"Yea.. Nurse? what's wrong?" Harry asked confusedly as he approached the Nurse who was still staring at him.

"Don't you want to see your wife? your wife is awake and looking for you." said the nurse with a smile.

"Okay nurse, I'll take a look her." Harry said with a pounding heart following the nurse who took him to Sheisha's place.

Harry swallowed his saliva when he saw Sheisha who was sitting back looking at him.

"How are you?" Harry asked as he approached Sheisha and sat down beside her.

"I'm still a little weak Har, did I faint earlier?" Sheisha asked with a sad look.

"What do you feel? are you feeling weak and dizzy?" Harry asked with a deep look, too hard to tell about Sheisha's pregnancy.

Sheisha nodded her head confirming Harry's words.

"Sheisha, it seems for the contracts you haven't signed we should decline." Harry said in a voice that seemed to catch in his throat.

Sheisha's brow furrowed at Harry's words.

"What's the matter Harry? why should I refuse the contract we got?" Sheisha asked with an incomprehensible look.

"I'll tell you when I get home. Are you feeling well or need to rest here for a few days?" Harry asked seriously.

Sheisha became embarrassed by Harry's unusual gaze.

"Why wait at home? just say it Har. I can't wait any longer if it's so important. Especially when it comes to work." Sheisha said with a pleading look.

Harry took a deep breath then grabbed Sheisha's hand.

"I hope after you hear it you can be even stronger Sheisha." Harry said not having the heart to say it.

Harry was sure that Sheisha would cry again for not having found William until now.

"What's wrong Harry? seems very serious? say it, don't hesitate." Sheisha said with her heart pounding waiting for what Harry would say.

"You are currently pregnant Sheisha, you are thirty-six days pregnant. To be precise, you are pregnant with William's child." Harry said in a low voice with a look not leaving Sheisha's eyes.

Sheisha was silent with her lips half parted. Her eyes glazed over unblinkingly at Harry's face.

"What are you saying Harry? how can i get pregnant William did that only once and that too accidentally." Sheisha said while swallowing her saliva.

"It could have happened Sheisha, in fact you are currently pregnant. And you have to think about your content from now on. You can't work too hard anymore. You should rest more and eat healthy food." Harry said as he rubbed Sheisha's face with a deep look.

"Harry, is what you said true? I'm pregnant with William's child?" Sheisha asked again with tears in her eyes.

Harry nodded his head slowly.

"Oh my God, I'm pregnant with William's child!" Sheisha said crying happily while rubbing her stomach.

"Are you happy Sheisha?" Harry asked sadly, until now Sheisha still loves William very much.

"I'm very happy Harry, even though I still haven't found William, even though I can't marry him yet but I already have a little William who can make me survive." said Sheisha in between sobs.

Hearing Sheisha's outpouring of heart, Harry could only hug Sheisha with sadness. What Sheisha went through must have been very hard. Parted with William the person she loves and now bears William's flesh and blood without any marriage ties.

"Sheisha, let me take responsibility for what happened to you. I will take care of you and the baby you are carrying. Don't let your baby be born without a father." Harry said hugging Sheisha tightly, really feeling the sadness that Sheisha felt.

Sheisha closed her eyes remembering what William had done to her. Everything William did to her was beyond his control. Sheisha was sure that William would not be able to do that if there wasn't something so easy to control William's soul.

And now for the sake of her happiness, William left with all his regrets.

"William is innocent right Harry?? William and I are the victims here. William did not deserve to punish his own innocent self. I'm pretty sure William wouldn't have the heart to do that to me." Sheisha cried in Harry's arms.

"You're right Sheisha, William is innocent. William is a very kind and responsible man. I know what happened must have hurt William a lot too." said Harry trying to calm Sheisha's heart.

"Where is William now Harry, he must know that I am pregnant with his child. Please find William, Har." Sheisha said in between sobs begging Harry to keep looking for William.

Harry swallowed his saliva, not knowing what to say to Sheisha's request. He has been trying hard to find William's whereabouts and has even asked the authorities for help to keep looking for William's whereabouts. But still William's whereabouts he couldn't find.

"I'll try to keep looking for it, Sheisha. I hope I can find William before you give birth. I don't want your baby to be born without a husband and father." said Harry trying to keep Sheisha's good name from being tarnished.