After staring at William's face for a long time, Sheisha accidentally saw William's injured right hand with dried blood. For some reason, Sheisha's heart once again felt a deep sadness seeing that.

"Is it possible that Mr. Malik's hand was injured from his anger earlier?" Sheisha asked while looking at the broken glass that was scattered on the floor.

Sheisha's eyes filled with tears seeing the wound on William's palm. With a sad feeling Sheisha ventured to grab William's injured hand and took a wet tissue that was on the table.

"Actually what happened to you Mr. Malik? why are you suddenly mad at me? did i do anything wrong to you that you kicked me out?" Sheisha asked while cleaning the blood on William's palm.

William who was pretending to be asleep, felt his heart beat really hard as Sheisha clasped his hands and wiped the blood on his palms.