Arriving at William's room, without making a sound Jenni opened the bedroom door and saw William still sleeping with his face all in bandages.

"Is he Mr Malik, Jen?" Sheisha asked very surprised when she saw him.

"Is the irritation so bad it's in a bandage like that Jen?" Harry asked curiously.

Jenni nodded her head feeling curious about William's new face which might be beyond expectations.

It is common for people to have facial surgery to become more handsome or beautiful. It's not the other way around who was originally handsome doing facial surgery to be ugly.

"Come on, you guys have a seat." Jenni said as she put her bag on the table and then approached William.

"Sheisha? come here. Sit here, don't you want to know Malik's condition." Jenni said as she gave her seat to Sheisha.

Sheisha nodded her head while swallowing her saliva.

"How long has Mr. Malik not been aware of Jen?" Sheisha asked as she sat down beside William.