"Never mind Jen, from the beginning I experienced this Aunt Etin who helped me. I have complete trust in Aunt Etin who has been with me for a long time. I just obeyed what Aunt Etin said, the important thing is that I can heal and be free from my demon soul." said William resigned to what would happen, at least in his last moments he could be close to Sheisha even without showing his identity.

"It's fine if you insist on this way. But I ask you, you don't stay here. You should stay in your house where I and Sheisha will live." said Jenni would not leave William alone without her supervision.

"So Mr. William lives there and Safira also lives there, right, Miss Jenni? Since there's no way I'd be there while delivering jasmine water to Mr. William, Miss Sheisha must have recognized me." said Aunt Etin not wanting William's treatment to be missed.