"Yeah... I won't go without you. I will also always ask your permission every time I go." Sheisha said not wanting to argue with Harry's words when Harry was sick.

"That's good, at least I can calm down if you listen to what I have to say." Harry said as he grimaced holding his stomach.

"Why Harry? are you still feeling sick?" Seisha asked with a worried face.

"I don't know what happened to my stomach cavity, it hurts so much. Even though Doctor Adam said my pain was not serious. But why do I feel more pain in my stomach cavity," Harry said with a pale face.

"Maybe the medicine that Doctor Adam gave is still not working." Sheisha said with a confused mind between wanting to tell the real diagnosis or waiting for time.

"I don't think so, I also feel pain like this even though I've taken medicine from Doctor Adam. Maybe the medicine is only temporary, it only relieves the pain." said Harry as he rubbed his stomach which was starting to ache.