"Miss Sheisha." Aunt Atun called a little calmly after knowing William's condition that she could still save.

"Yes Aunt Atun, is there any news about Azam?" Sheisha asked with a bad feeling.

"Miss Sheisha are you home yet?" Aunt Atun asked in a low voice.

"I'm already on my way home Auntie. What's wrong Auntie? did something happen that you contacted me?" Sheisha asked with a pounding heart.

"Hope Miss Sheisha gets home soon. Something has happened to Mr. Azam." Aunt Atun said very carefully in conveying the news to Sheisha.

"What happened Auntie?? say! what happened to Azam, Aunt?" Sheisha asked in a trembling voice and feeling very worried.

"Mr. Azam hurt himself again. Mr. Azam sliced ​​his vein with broken glass. Fortunately, Mr. Azam is still breathing even though he is very weak." said Aunt Atun sadly remembering William's despair waiting for Sheisha for the demon soul to easily take over William.