"So about your previous question, I can't answer it. I can't judge if he's handsome or not. But to me, he is a very good man. Maybe I can think of him as a father." Sheisha said with a smile on her lips.

"So you think of him as a father? but what if he doesn't think of you as a child? but he thinks of you as a mature woman? which could be because Mr. Malik has loved you. That's why he gave you a job for the rest of your life." William said while squinting his eyes.

Hearing William's words suddenly Sheisha straightened her back.

"What do you think Zam??!! Of course, Mr. Malik doesn't love me, because he's already engaged. Maybe soon they will also get married." Sheisha said with a very complicated look.

"I'm just joking, it's possible that Mr. Malik loves you because anything can happen in this world," William said with a sad look that he couldn't be as close as possible to Sheisha.