Still feeling panicked Sheisha contacted Omar. But several times Sheisha called him, and no one received her calls.

"How is this Azam?! Omar didn't take my call?" Sheisha said while biting her lower lip.

"Try one more time, who knows Omar is busy," William said trying to calm Sheisha.

Without replying to William's words, Sheisha again called Omar and hoped that Omar would accept her call.

"Tuuut... Tuuut... Tuuut"

"Come on Omar, quickly take my call! what are you busy with?" Sheisha asked herself because she was annoyed with Omar who didn't receive her call.

When Sheisha was feeling desperate suddenly her call was accepted by Omar.

"Sheisha!! Where are you?? Why haven't you arrived yet? do you have a problem?!" Omar asked a little screaming in a voice that sounded worried.

"You're right!! I have a problem....TEG!!